31 research outputs found

    Election campaign – on the examle of the Republic of Croatia, European countries and the United States of America

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    U ovom radu se obrađuje izborna kampanja kroz raspravu o izborima općenito gdje je dat kratak uvod u povijest izbora odnosno demokracije, dati su opisi vrsta izbornih sustava, te kroz izbornu strategiju sam dao opis kako bi kandidat trebao voditi i organizirati svoju izbornu kampanju, odnosno kako planirati i koje metode primijeniti u izbornoj kampanji. Kroz opise izbornih sustava u Republici Hrvatskoj, SAD, UK i Francuskoj dat je kratak uvid kako funkcionira izborna kampanja odnosno sami izbori u svakoj državi i kako je riješen pojedini segment izbora u određenoj državi. Kroz komparaciju istih dana je usporedba istih kroz segment metode provedbe izbora, kroz segment izborne kampanje i organizacije iste, te financiranje kampanje. Kroz točku izborna kampanja u Republici Hrvatskoj dat je sažetak organizacije izborne kampanje u Republici Hrvatskoj, koja je uloga medija i političkog marketinga u izbornoj kampanji, te financiranje izborne promidžbe u RH. Kroz analizu izborne kampanje 2016. godine u RH dat je sažetak tijeka izborne kampanje i ostvarenja ključnih stranaka u samoj izbornoj kampanji 2016. godine u Republici Hrvatskoj.This work deals with the election campaign through a general election debate where a short introduction to the history of elections or democracy is given, describing the types of electoral systems, and giving a description of the electoral strategy to enable the candidate to lead and organize his election campaign plan and what methods to apply in the electoral campaign. Through the descriptions of electoral systems in the Republic of Croatia, the United States, the UK and France, there is a brief insight into how the election campaign works, respectively how works the election in each country, and how to resolve a certain segment of election in some countries. Also, through comparison of the election in given countries I have been comparison of the same through the segment of the method of executing the election, through the segment of the election campaign and organization itself, and funding segment of the campaign. Throughout the election campaign point in the Republic of Croatia, is given a summary of the election campaign organization in the Republic of Croatia, what is the role of media and political marketing in the electoral campaign, and the financing of electoral campaign in the Republic of Croatia. Through the analysis of the election campaign in the year 2016, in the Republic of Croatia, have been given an overview of the course of election campaign and the achievement of key parties in the 2016 election campaign in the Republic of Croatia

    Inteligentno upravljanje prometom uz dodjelu prioriteta vozilima žurnih službi

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    Advanced traffic management systems in city traffic (traffic light management) give possibility to give priority of passage to selected type of users, such as public transport, VIP users, and emergency services. In Republic of Croatia at present time there is no existent developed adaptive algorithms that can give priority to vehicles of Emergency services through the intersection. During this research solution to give priority passage Emergency vehicles in city traffic, benefit of such advances system will be investigated and proved with a simulation model. In same project cooperative concept will be evaluated (regarding emergency services) which includes a real time vehicle to vehicle and vehicle to infrastructure communication.Napredni sustavi upravljanja gradskom prometnom mrežom (semaforiziranim raskrižjima) omogućuju prioritetni prolazak određenom tipu korisnika kao npr. javni gradski prijevoz, VIP korisnici, žurne službe. U Republici Hrvatskoj za sada nema razrađenih adaptivnih upravljačkih algoritama prema kojima vozila žurnih službi mogu prioritetno proći raskrižjem. Kroz ovo istraživanje razmotrit će se mogućnost prioritetnog prolaska žurnih službi u gradskom prometu, te će se na temelju simulacijskog modela dokazati korist takvog unaprijeđenog sustava. Također, dodatno će se razmotriti i mogućnosti kooperativnog koncepta u odnosu na vozila žurnih službi, što uključuje komunikaciju između vozila i vozila i infrastrukturu stvarnom vremenu

    Inteligentno upravljanje prometom uz dodjelu prioriteta vozilima žurnih službi

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    Advanced traffic management systems in city traffic (traffic light management) give possibility to give priority of passage to selected type of users, such as public transport, VIP users, and emergency services. In Republic of Croatia at present time there is no existent developed adaptive algorithms that can give priority to vehicles of Emergency services through the intersection. During this research solution to give priority passage Emergency vehicles in city traffic, benefit of such advances system will be investigated and proved with a simulation model. In same project cooperative concept will be evaluated (regarding emergency services) which includes a real time vehicle to vehicle and vehicle to infrastructure communication.Napredni sustavi upravljanja gradskom prometnom mrežom (semaforiziranim raskrižjima) omogućuju prioritetni prolazak određenom tipu korisnika kao npr. javni gradski prijevoz, VIP korisnici, žurne službe. U Republici Hrvatskoj za sada nema razrađenih adaptivnih upravljačkih algoritama prema kojima vozila žurnih službi mogu prioritetno proći raskrižjem. Kroz ovo istraživanje razmotrit će se mogućnost prioritetnog prolaska žurnih službi u gradskom prometu, te će se na temelju simulacijskog modela dokazati korist takvog unaprijeđenog sustava. Također, dodatno će se razmotriti i mogućnosti kooperativnog koncepta u odnosu na vozila žurnih službi, što uključuje komunikaciju između vozila i vozila i infrastrukturu stvarnom vremenu

    Inteligentno upravljanje prometom uz dodjelu prioriteta vozilima žurnih službi

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    Advanced traffic management systems in city traffic (traffic light management) give possibility to give priority of passage to selected type of users, such as public transport, VIP users, and emergency services. In Republic of Croatia at present time there is no existent developed adaptive algorithms that can give priority to vehicles of Emergency services through the intersection. During this research solution to give priority passage Emergency vehicles in city traffic, benefit of such advances system will be investigated and proved with a simulation model. In same project cooperative concept will be evaluated (regarding emergency services) which includes a real time vehicle to vehicle and vehicle to infrastructure communication.Napredni sustavi upravljanja gradskom prometnom mrežom (semaforiziranim raskrižjima) omogućuju prioritetni prolazak određenom tipu korisnika kao npr. javni gradski prijevoz, VIP korisnici, žurne službe. U Republici Hrvatskoj za sada nema razrađenih adaptivnih upravljačkih algoritama prema kojima vozila žurnih službi mogu prioritetno proći raskrižjem. Kroz ovo istraživanje razmotrit će se mogućnost prioritetnog prolaska žurnih službi u gradskom prometu, te će se na temelju simulacijskog modela dokazati korist takvog unaprijeđenog sustava. Također, dodatno će se razmotriti i mogućnosti kooperativnog koncepta u odnosu na vozila žurnih službi, što uključuje komunikaciju između vozila i vozila i infrastrukturu stvarnom vremenu

    The role of IgG avidity in diagnosis of cytomegalovirus infection in newborns and infants [Uloga IgG aviditeta u dijagnostici infekcije citomegalovirusom u novorođenčadi i dojenčadi]

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    To evaluate the value of IgG avidity in diagnosis of congenital cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection in newborns and infants we collected serum samples from 40 infants under 12 months of age with suspected congenital CMV infection. Sera were tested for IgM, IgG and IgG avidity. For 25 of them, virus isolation and/or polymerase chain reaction (PCR) on urine specimens were performed. Thirteen (32.5%) patients showed the presence of CMV IgM antibodies, 3 (7.5%) had equivocal IgM result, and 24 (60.0%) patients had IgG antibodies only. Using IgG avidity, CMV infection (low avidity index-AI) was documented in 61.5% IgM positive and 54.2% IgM negative patients. Eight of nine (88.8%) IgM positive patients were positive either on virus isolation or PCR. In IgM negative patients, 46.6% urine cultures were positive for CMV and 66.6% were PCR positive. According to age, IgG avidity demonstrated acute/recent primary CMV infection in 58.8% patients younger than three months compared with 91.7% and 81.8% in 3-6 and 6-12 months old babies, respectively. In conclusion, IgG avidity is useful in diagnosis of CMV infection either in IgM positive or IgM negative children older than 3 months of age. In infants less than 3 months, transplacentally derived maternal IgG antibodies of high avidity influence on the IgG avidity result. In these children, CMV infection should be confirmed by direct virologic methods such as virus isolation or PCR

    Integracija tokovnog modela za učinkovito izvođenje na višejezgrenim računalnim arhitekturama

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    Streaming has emerged as an important model in present–day applications, ranging from multimedia to scientific computing. Moreover, the emergence of new multicore architectures has resulted with new challenges in efficient utilization of available computational resources. Streaming model offers the portability and scalability of performance with the increasing number of cores. In this paper we propose a tool which enables the implementation of the compute–intensive stream processing kernels as portable modules in general–purpose applications. Resulting modules can be efficiently reused with high degree of scalability in regard to increasing number of processing cores.Tokovni računalni model predstavlja zanimljivo područje istraživanja s ciljem ubrzanja kako multimedijskih, tako i znanstvenih aplikacija. Isto tako, pojava višejezgrenih računalnih arhitektura rezultirala je povećanjem zanimanja za istraživanje metoda i modela koji bi omogućili učinkovito iskorištavanje postojećih paralelnih resursa. Tokovni model omogućuje istovremeno visok stupanj apstrakcije, prenosivost i skalabinost aplikacija s obzirom na povećanje računskih jezgri. U ovom je članku predložen pristup koji omogućuje implementaciju računski zahtjevnih dijelova aplikacija u tokovnom modelu te njihovu integraciju u vidu prenosivih modula. Na taj način ostvareno je ubrzanje cjelokupnih aplikacija pri izvođenju na višejezgrenim procesorima

    Dirofilaria Repens as a Cause of Subconjunctival Infection in a 77-Years Old Female Patient from Croatia – A Case Report

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    The zoonotic parasites of the genus Dirofilaria are on the increase as an accidental finding or as a cause of disease in humans worldwide. Human dirofilariasis usually manifests as either subcutaneous infiltrates or lung parenchymal dis- ease, in many cases asymptomatically. We report the case of a 77-year old female patient presenting with irritation and pain in her left eye. Ophthalmologic examination of the temporal part of her left eye revealed motile and threadlike or- ganism, which was surgically extracted and morphologically identified as Dirofilaria. Further molecular diagnostics with polymerase chain reaction (PCR) confirmed that the isolated organism is Dirofilaria repens. Due to already recog- nized autochthonous occurrence of human dirofilariasis in Croatia, human dirofilariasis must be included in the differ- ential diagnosis of patients presenting with subcutaneous nodules, eye affection and other potential manifestations of this disease

    Application of Novel Lossless Compression of Medical Images Using Prediction and Contextual Error Modeling

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    Conduction of tele-3D-computer assisted operations as well as other telemedicine procedures often requires highest possible quality of transmitted medical images and video. Unfortunately, those data types are always associated with high telecommunication and storage costs that sometimes prevent more frequent usage of such procedures. We present a novel algorithm for lossless compression of medical images that is extremely helpful in reducing the telecommunication and storage costs. The algorithm models the image properties around the current, unknown pixel and adjusts itself to the local image region. The main contribution of this work is the enhancement of the well known approach of predictor blends through highly adaptive determination of blending context on a pixel-by-pixel basis using classification technique. We show that this approach is well suited for medical image data compression. Results obtained with the proposed compression method on medical images are very encouraging, beating several well known lossless compression methods. The predictor proposed can also be used in other image processing applications such as segmentation and extraction of image regions

    Application of Novel Lossless Compression of Medical Images Using Prediction and Contextual Error Modeling

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    Conduction of tele-3D-computer assisted operations as well as other telemedicine procedures often requires highest possible quality of transmitted medical images and video. Unfortunately, those data types are always associated with high telecommunication and storage costs that sometimes prevent more frequent usage of such procedures. We present a novel algorithm for lossless compression of medical images that is extremely helpful in reducing the telecommunication and storage costs. The algorithm models the image properties around the current, unknown pixel and adjusts itself to the local image region. The main contribution of this work is the enhancement of the well known approach of predictor blends through highly adaptive determination of blending context on a pixel-by-pixel basis using classification technique. We show that this approach is well suited for medical image data compression. Results obtained with the proposed compression method on medical images are very encouraging, beating several well known lossless compression methods. The predictor proposed can also be used in other image processing applications such as segmentation and extraction of image regions